Thursday 11 August 2011

Strawberry Cloud Cake

Strawberry Cloud Cake - Yum - as Annabel would say!  This was such an easy recipe and it was really delicious, hardly any effort to make and doubled as a dinner party dessert as well as a birthday cake for Joly!  It was different to an ice cream because it was just so light, made with egg whites and whipped for about 10 minutes giving it a smooth "meringuey" texture. I think the base was a little too think and given the dessert is frozen, if the base is too thick it's hard to break with your spoon when it comes time to eat.  I used Marie biscuits and with adding coconut, cinnamon and butter, it gave a lovely tropical flavour rather than just a plain biscuit base that you might make for a cheesecake.
The photo in Annabel's book shows a really high set cake but I noticed in the DVD that when Annabel and her friends were eating it, the topping was half the size.  As I had a fairly big springform tin, I decided to double the recipe so I'd have plenty.  This was a great idea as it made a really beautiful big cake and I have some leftover filling which I put into small ramekins in the freezer which the kids have enjoyed as a little treat!
Annabel suggests mixing the topping of egg whites, sugar, strawberries, lemon juice and vanilla with an electric beater, as my electric beaters are woeful,  I put the ingredients into my processor with the mixing blade and just let it run for about 8 minutes.  By that time, the mixture had increased so much in volume that it was touching the lid of the processor!  Poured onto the base and in to the freezer for at least 4 hours.  
Andrew helped make the beautiful berry syrup from frozen raspberries, sugar and water.  A few batches at a time through the sieve and it was sensational.  A little syrup over each slice of cloud cake was magnificent.  There was plenty of syrup spare that has been used up on those extra little treats from the leftover topping.  
This is usch an easy one - a must try recipe, Happy Birthday Joly!


1 comment:

  1. It looks absolutely gorgeous Cath. Looking foward to trying this one. Well done you. :)
